Thursday, August 27, 2009

Smart: Baby rocker!

What do you do when you're a parent who's a combo of geeky and lazy? You program a way for your computer to rock your baby to sleep, of course.

This enterprising parent used his Linux box and a custom program to get the CD drive to repeatedly open and close! He then tied a string between his kid's car seat and the drive, and voila, automatic baby rocker. Now if only there was a way to get the computer to feed them their meals, they’d be all set!

Butt cam!

"Do these pants make my butt look big?" the question that nobody wants to answer! If you're shopping in Australia where Buttcam has made its big debut you wont have to Reasoning that you can't realistically see yourself directly from behind while looking behind you in a mirror, Aussie retailer Jeans West took simple technology such as a video camera attached to a monitor, and created a way to let shoppers decide for themselves just how big (or small) that booty looks in those pantsAnd for those unfortunates whose butts really do look big through this paraphernalia, well, they can rest assured that any video camera always adds at least 10 pounds, or even 20, maybe. Really! i say bring it to Kuwait, we need to know if our butts look big!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Big Bang!

The Big Bang is a theory that states how the universe began, how it all started if you will! I'm not really sure if this theory is valid or accepted in islam but nonetheless it's has scientific evidence backing it up, anyways let Columbia University astronomy and physics professor Janna Levin show you how it all started. In this first-rate animation that shows the Big Bang more concisely than I've ever seen, the professor makes an important point about the origin of our doughnut-shaped universe: Before the Big Bang, there was no space or time. There was nothing. That huge explosion didn't happen in space — it happened in the middle of nothing!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Smart: Tangle free earbuds!

Now here is a smart idea! It should be implemented in each and every earbud manufactured from this day forward. The design uses a zipper like configuration to attach both cables together when earbuds are not in use. Personally this would make my life easier! My earbuds seem to get tangled whenever they leave my ears, sometimes even while on my ears but thats a whole other issue! Now imagine all the free time created by this annoyance-avoiding time saver!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Why does fabric become "seemingly" darker when wet? well here's your answer! (i know so random ;p)
When fabric gets wet, light coming towards it refracts within the water, dispersing the light. In addition, the surface of the water causes incoherent light scattering. The combination of these two effects causes less light to reflect to your eyes and makes the wet fabric appear darker. Now you know! spread the word ;D---

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Personally i hate change! Simply because change is BAD, just kidding ;p but surely something traumatizing happened when i was a simple innocent child that started this fear of change issue! Oh well i guess i'll just have to get used to it! Anyways...Ramadan is here, signaling change (the good kind) it is a time of fasting, which is meant to teach patience, modesty and spirituality. Through good actions people you're going to get rewarded seventy times as much as you normally can achieve (Allah a3lam). So people go on and ask forgiveness for past sins, pray for guidance and help in refraining from everyday evils, and try to purify yourself through self-restraint and good deeds. Finally, "embarak 3alekom elsh-ahar" & "taqabal allah 6a3atkom"

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Straws are good!

Hello all! i know its been a while since i last posted, i had health issues(i fainted, broke my nose and half a tooth!!!>>but im better now el7mdella) so i thought what better to warm myself up back into the world of blogging other than a mini post(an appetizer if you will) so here it is!

Energy drinks, carbonated beverages, teas, and citric fruit juices all bathe the teeth in harmful acids. Drinking through a straw can help limit the damage, as can rinsing the mouth with water afterwards. also using a straw is more hygienic(your lips dont have to touch surfaces that god nows what have rubbed against). preferably straws that are wrapped are your numero uno choice :)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Commercial: Evian!

A great commercial by Evian, hiking up the cute factor to unprecedented levels!! "so small yet incredible" as they put it
It makes we wanna drink Evian...seriously!