Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Big Bang!

The Big Bang is a theory that states how the universe began, how it all started if you will! I'm not really sure if this theory is valid or accepted in islam but nonetheless it's has scientific evidence backing it up, anyways let Columbia University astronomy and physics professor Janna Levin show you how it all started. In this first-rate animation that shows the Big Bang more concisely than I've ever seen, the professor makes an important point about the origin of our doughnut-shaped universe: Before the Big Bang, there was no space or time. There was nothing. That huge explosion didn't happen in space — it happened in the middle of nothing!


Smart-y said...

wai3.. emt7ant feha midterm :S

Smart-y said...

btw.. 7achy fa9'y ma a9adgaa..

m7ammad said...

smart-y: LoooooooooL!! ana my brain a9lan mo ra'6y yestaw3eb el theory!