Personally i hate change! Simply because change is BAD, just kidding ;p but surely something traumatizing happened when i was a simple innocent child that started this fear of change issue! Oh well i guess i'll just have to get used to it! Anyways...Ramadan is here, signaling change (the good kind) it is a time of fasting, which is meant to teach patience, modesty and spirituality. Through good actions people you're going to get rewarded seventy times as much as you normally can achieve (Allah a3lam). So people go on and ask forgiveness for past sins, pray for guidance and help in refraining from everyday evils, and try to purify yourself through self-restraint and good deeds. Finally, "embarak 3alekom elsh-ahar" & "taqabal allah 6a3atkom"
3leena oo 3leek ;**
oo U2 taqabal allah 6a3tek! oo ajma3in enshallah!
oo CHANGE is always GOOD! *big smile*
smart-y: thanks :D , oo change is not always good! nothing is always something :S
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