I remember when i was in middle school my teacher would always use this sticky blue clay/mud thing to hang our "art" projects, i always thought it was cool>>yeah apparently i was that kid! anyways a couple of days ago while i was at "maktabat el raw'6a" i finally found it>>not that i was searching for it!...ahem.
So this is what the packaging looks like

And here's a look inside(as you can see its arranged all pretty and symmetrical)
You then attach the blu tac to whatever you want
The result!
Once you're done you can peel it away with no effort at all, its that simple!
I smiled while remembering Our childish SchooL .. hahhaa .. waaaay WANASAAAAA! ..
I waaaaant One ;(
ta36eene oo a36eek machbood? (6) .. hehehe
p.s ; garait il posts elli 6afaw ..
3ajebeeeeeeeeeeeeeen! ;*(Y) .. Badd luck enny kint emsafra ;p oo makent first to comment! :P
ycm ! 7etan meeni sabgaatni :P?
HATHA SHAY 3JEB ;p bo 3elch :P
*Machboos not machboodd YCM! :P
Madry shakw LOOOOOOOOL ;p esh3abalich (H)(H) .. I MISS YOU BABEEEEEE :********* WALLAAAAAAA WALHANA 3ALAICH :(:(
youcompleteme: LooooL 3ad et9adgeen i missed you? ;) el7mdellah 3al salamah! eee 7ada thekrayat!! oo mara7 a36eech! ba9eer na7ees methlch! (ps:ybe3ona bl maktaba!) oo el machboos 5ala9 ra7 el craving malah, ams geltlehom ysawoonly :P
madryshakw: LoooL @ bo 3elch!
LOOOOOOOOOOOOl aham shay enik sharaita o mestanes 3alaih :p ohwa 9ij ewanes bas ena sh6ari 3alaik :P
Shakla ywaanis, bs what to use it for ?
principessa: knt bl maktaba ga3ed adawer stuff 7ag my project oo shefta oo i instantly put it in my shopping basket
some kuwaitiya: maktoob 3al 3elba "removable adhesive for school, factory and creative use" :P
Sharait ams One for my presentation ..
faj'a today eb nus il kalam ..
Me ; " bla bla bla .. "
nazalt my eyes abi ashoof kelma 3ala ilpaper ..
wella wa7da lazga 3ala my dress ..
LooooooooL faj'a gumt a'97ak ..
ildr. was like ; " Shfeech Sara? "
hehehe shakli kan stupid ;'(
yeah asaddig enna you missed me shlon ma tolah 3alay wanna daiman awaL comment oo 7addy qarqa? :P you Should miss me aslan :P hehehe..
aaaa .. Now you don't wanna my machbooss?? ;p .. mashe mashe ..
athkir we used to stick it 3ala il 6oofa oo mama etzefna :P LOOOOOOOL abbaih kenna somekind of hailag sa3at :P mama etzef we7na 7aqrenha en7a6e6 our posters .. oo madre mn zeen ilposters kellhum rasmat 5arabee6 :P ..
Saroon LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL :P '9a7akteeeene ;p heheh ..
Yalla em7amad .. Next post pls ..
I miss ur blog :(
saroon: LoooL 3ady it wasn't like toilet paper was stuck to your shoe! 3ad entay chan shelteeha chena ma 9ar shay ;)
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