Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Smart faucet!

The SmartFaucet from iHouse; a tap with built-in face recognition technology that automatically adjusts the water pressure and temperature to your preferred settings. The touchscreen display even features widgets for at-a-glance access to eMail, appointments, and the outside temperature while LEDs illuminate the flow with temperature matching colors>>ma agool ela malat 3ala faucetna!


youcompleteme said...

isn't that so over??
Shda3waaaaaa ..!
madri madri a7is Now a days kilshay sar il technology etsaweeh bedalna! ..
they watch our tempure of water oo park our car ( in the New lexus :P) .. and call our friends .. remind us eb our closest friends birthdays oo our personaL events! ..
shda3wa 3alainaaaaaaaaaaa..! ;S

that's so over walla ..
7adda sirna Not simple .. ;S malaqa! .. I hate it ..

oo ba3dain we mummbled about being a " coach potato" !! .. eeh khu e3tamdaw 3ala nafskom! .. me3tamden ya 3ala iltechnology ya 3ala ilmaids! ;S

YousifMind said...

ملاقه !!

ويع ماكو شغل ! .. فكرة سخيفه صراحه .. ولا يحطونها بحمامات المجمعات لأن ما راح امسكها (بكتيريا الناس كلهم بتكون بالشاشه )

Smart-y said...

happy birthday!!!!!!!! :D

m7ammad said...

youcompleteme: ehya embala over...bas madry a7es wanasa el color change ma3a el temp(wayed a7es etfedny>>kela a7reg edy bl hot water) bas i know what you mean ena 9erna not simple!

yousifmind: laish malaqa?! shfeeekom! bas ana ely 3ajbatny? ;p ee 7adha ma te9la7 7ag el mojama3at! eww! bas madry a7es wanasa law 3endena bl bet ;p

smart-y: LooooL thanks :D