The weather is hot, damp and there's nothing to do, your solution=go swimming :D here are a couple of picks i snapped from our shaleh that are meant to seduce you ;P
First is a view of the "ba7ar"

the second is of the swimming pool(obviously!)

lets hope we have enough sunblock ;p catch ya later :)
An invite would be nice! :$
LoooooooL, you'r welcome anytime ;p "el bet betch">>or in this case "el shaleh shalehech"
Don't say that, I'll take you seriously! Yalla gimme the address :P
Yallah 7mood saw tan 9er ebronzy ;Pp
xtc: who said i wasn't serious? mina abdulla, road 230 come on over as soon as the dust clears up! ;p
yousef: LooooooL! 5o ana tan 6abe3y ma a7taj ;p
Ok. If you say so, bacher. I'll sit in road 230 with a sign that says "M7ammad"
i LOVE swimming!
Wallah low t7e6 sunblock kel sa3a ma yenfa3ek ... ebte7tereg ya3ni ebte7tereg ;p lol
have a nice time
xtc: LooooL the problem is ena ur a "girl" fa shway 9a3ba :P
eshda3wa: me Too ;p
msha3erha: LoooL ee walla! 9edagtay, thaaanks
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