Mom just bought a laptop, so what you say? well for those who do not know here(and thats all of you ;p) she's 100% computer illiterate! seriously she doesn't even know who to turn it on! it puzzles me to this day how she managed clients way back then when she used to work at some local bank...heres how the conversation went
Mom: aby ashtery laptop dawerly wa7ed zen
Ana: zen?
Mom: ee ya3ny fe "mamory" wayed
Ana: HaHaHa!
Mom: 7amood la tet6anaz 3alay!
Ana: yoma laish taben "mamory" wayed??
Mom: 3ashan anazel mosalsalat turkeyah!! >>i should have known!
Ana: oo ba3ad sheno taben?
Mom maabeh ykoon thgeel 3ashan awadey el shaleh...
Ana: ok badawerlch
so i looked around searching for the perfect laptop for the next couple of days, three days later she went and bought a laptop from dell (dad knows the franchise owner in kuwait and each laptop he has ever bought was from Dell!) and she bought the laptop on the basis that it looked stylish>>seriously!!! i dont know why she bothered to ask me in the first place!
umek garebbaaan btqol aby Blackberry.. oo qol 3bdallah ma qal! LOL.. etyanin umeek :P!
LoooooL seriously doubt it, ehya zen etdez sms bel nokia malha!
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