the waffles are ready made, you just have to pop them in the toaster and voila! add your favorite syrup(i used maple) mix it with your choice of ice cream or not and your ready to go, heres a pic of the packaging>>etha tabon tjarbona ;)
the waffles are sold at the sultan center>>i bought them from the one at souq sharg :D
first :P
OMG ANA EDMAAAN WAFFLES :P bas never tried el low fat ;p 5la9 i'll try wagolek :P
god bless aunt jemima ;p
kilish mo lofat :P atrayaq hatha kilyoom antifiah nafsha nis'ha yakfy;p
I can't handle this for a breakfast ;S .. waaaaaaayid over ;S ..
bas shaklaaaa naa6e3 :* ..
I'll try it one day 3asha :P
aaaaaaaaahehehe ;p
ok ok .. my comment mu mokannah here :P bas tawa my motehr galatli ena our lunch MACHBOOOOS DEYAY! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D ;p
so brb :P hehehehe
madry shakw: me too edman waYfols>>3ala golat 6aba5atna ;), try them oo tell me what u think(bas el regualr a7la mn el lowfat) oo ee walla allah y5aley aunt jemima lena :D
um mit3ib: ee entay eklay el ako wel mako oo ro7ay el gym>>your solution :D
youcompleteme: LooL it takes practice to process kel hal sugar mn 9ba7 alah 5er!, ps: i hate you ;p abeeeee machbooooos!!!! :'(
ha3ha3ha3 ;p chayyek 3ala my blog (a)) .. not the last post maL my story :P elli gabla (a)
aunt jemima تذكرني بشخص :P
همممم بشوف اذا يبيعونهم اهني ولا لا :P
I prefer mama's waffles to aunt jemimas :P her syrup is good though! :D
God bless Aunt Jemima! Seriously.. Home made pancakes and waffles taste soooo much better! At least the ones I make :P
And how is all that low in fat? You got your ice cream, maple syrup and the ULTIMATE SIN whipped cream! :P
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