Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Longevity calculator!

Find out how young you are! do this test and answer all 36 questions(takes about 2 min). Will also give you suggestions on how to feel younger and get more years out of your life!

my results:
calender age: 21 years
biological age: 21.8 years
life expectance: 73.6 years
blue zones years: -2.9 years

yala do the test and share your results with us :D


xtc said...

'Cause I'm a little bored :P

calender age: 19 years

biological age: 17.2 years
life expectance: 89.8 years
blue zones years: 8.4 years

Some Kuwaitiya said...

Calender age: 19 years
Biological age: 20.5 years
Life Expectancy: 75.9 years
Blue Zones Years: -5.9

ma fahamt il blue zones :p
bs a good overall ha :p

m7ammad said...

xtc: : you're going to live 16 years more than i am! i hate you :P make sure ena u come to my 3aza ;)

somekuwaitiya: the blue zone years me3natah etgolech cham sena 5esartay aw ektesabtay mn 6areqat 7ayatech! in you're case you lost 5.9 years! ya3ny law entay "normal chan 3eshtay 81.8!"

Some Kuwaitiya said...

Wow !!
I guess I have a bad routine :s

*R said...

Calender age: 15 years
Biological age: 16.5 years
Life Expectancy: 81.2 years
Blue Zones Years: 0.5

whats the blue zone?;p

m7ammad said...

*R: your results are good! the blue zone years specify the number of years you have gained/lost given your current behavior, in your case you gained half a year by living the way you do so keep it up :D