So lets talk about vegetarianism...firstly, is it just me or are the number of vegetarians in kuwait on the rise?! for example in our family my sister(16 years old) is a vegetarian>>not any vegetarian, shes a fussy vegetarian>>mlaw3a chabd omy!>>ma alomha ma takel shay!
maybe its just me but i cant comprehend how someone could eat a meal without any kind of meat and still call it a "meal" let me tell you what happend today, i was about to get into my car when a small subway delivery car stopped in front of me(ana glt aked '3al6an bel 3enwan le2ana eb betna ma7ad yakel fast food ela ana!>>7ata shaket eb 3omry! glt ma3qola 6aleb wana madry :S) i went up to him and said "which house do you want?" before he could answer me our maid came out with money in her hand, i asked who was it for, she said your sister!!>>ana en9edamt! could it be that shes normal?? did she join the rest of us carnivores?? elmohem i called her to ask, the conversation went something like this:
ana: aloo, 6alba subway!!!
ehya: eeh...
ana: wanasa!! mn emota?!
ehya: mn emota sheno? enta shfeek??
ana: mn emota 9ertay 3adeya!?
ehya: haw! shga3ed et5arbe6? 9ert 3adeya???
ana: mn emota takleeen la7am?
ehya: hahahahahahahahahahaha, aham shay 3abalek 6alba la7am!!!!!!!, shfeeek ana law sheno ma akel ka2en 7ay! 6alba brown bread with cheese and lettuce!!
ana: 6oooo6ooooo6ooooo6>>ba6at chabdy! ;p
entaw eshraykom? ;) are you with or against vegetarianism? why?

Fiiiiiirst ,
what?? .. a meaL without anyking of chicken or steak oo esemha meaL?? ..
No! let me tell you .. there's two kind of meaL ..
1- spicy mc chicken
2- machboos deyay
otherwise , it's not a meaL :P
I have a frined bas takeL vegies and potato!! .. what the hell is that sara7atan! ;S
I can't imagine enna fe a7ad ma e7eb chicken or meat ..
Im so against it .. eat chicken , fish or meat eb e3tedaL .. la efraa6 wela tafree6 ..
oo bas! :P good night ana qaraqt :P It's a post mo comment allah ehadane :x
2nd :P
A7es no way makel meat or dyay ;\
Totally a carnivore. God made steak to be eaten, not petted :D
elbugar welkhirfan yitsharihoon 3alay law ma akelhom wana ma7eb a7ad yetsharah 3alay;p
youcompleteme: mn zman mo makel machbooos :( bagolehom bacher ysawonly :D, loool 3al veggie o potato>>techncally el potato veggie ;p, completley agree on el e3tedal! 5air el omor aw9a6ha!, oo bel3aks gerga3 3ala kef kefch! etha entay ma tagregen mnew yagreg ;p>>i really like your comments.
madryshakw: me too!! go carnivoures!! :D
xtc: LooooL! you said it! :)
um mit3ib: LoooL a9lan lama taklenhom ga3ed ta5dmenhom! i mean come on who wants to be a bgra or a sheep! put them out of their misery!
No way ma akil meat !
it's just soo not me !
some people see it as a humanitarian thing, but it's really what life is all about !
As they call it life cycle, grass grows, sheep eats grass, we eat sheep and so forth :D
حمود ترى انا فيجيتيريان :P
لووول اصلا شي صراحه عبيط .. ياحلو اللحم بس .. تشكن وينجز .. برجر ..
اهم شي .. أكل من دون لحم او دجاج او كائن حي ( لول ) ماقدر اعيش انا اصلا يضيق خلقي لو شفت سلطه وفواكه P:
somekuwaitiya: i dont know why, but kesar 5a6ry el sheep wana agra your life cycle example!
yousifmind: LoooL!! ee wallah ya 7elwa!
fisq8: LoooL same here brutha ;)
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