Saturday, May 30, 2009

Glass "hold"!

The way you hold your glass reveals much more than you can realise!

This is usually a woman, who holds her glass with dainty, splayed fingers and uses it in a provocative way.

She may position it over her cleavage so as to draw attention to her attributes or peer over the rim to make eye contact when taking a sip - and she may "tease" the rim of the glass with her finger, perhaps dipping it into the drink and sucking it dry.


Again, usually a woman who clusters together with her friends. She may be talking about other people, and can be critical. She holds a wine glass by the bowl and uses it to gesticulate and make points in conversation.

She is inclined to lean over her drink, in towards others so as to speak confidentially. This person already has a close-knit social group with little inclination to extend it, therefore advances from outsiders are not usually welcome.


This type of drinker could be a man or a woman. They tend to be sociable and convivial and "like a laugh".

They take short swigs from bottled drinks so they don't miss out on chipping in with the conversation.

The bottle is held loosely at its shoulder for ease. This type of person is always happy to extend their social circle. The best way to approach them therefore is to leap directly into light, good-humoured conversation and make them laugh.


Usually a shy, submissive person who holds the glass protectively, not letting go, as though afraid somebody will take it away.

Palms are kept hidden and the glass is used as a social crutch - the drink is never quite finished, with a mouthful left in case of emergency. The drink is small - maybe half a pint of lager for a man.

It may be drunk through a straw, which is fidgeted with, and used to stir the drink between sips.

The style and pace of drinking is an echo of those around them - very little is initiated.

This individual needs to be approached in a gentle, sensitive way, with perhaps a few understated compliments to build self-confidence, but may eventually warm to overtures.


This is a mainly female type whose natural style is cold and defensive.

She drinks from a wine glass, or a short glass, which is held firmly in a barrier position across the body so as to deter intimate approaches.

It is usually a waste of time approaching this woman; she may be ready with a castrating put-down.


This man is active and self-confident; a "Don Juan"-type seducer.

He uses his, usually long, glass or bottle as a phallic prop, playing with it suggestively. He is inclined to be possessive, and can be tactile with his female companions.


This "peacock" is conscious of his image and will drink a bottled beer, or cider.

He is inclined to be confident and arrogant, and can be territorial in his gestures, spreading himself over as much space as possible, for example, pushing the glass well away from himself and leaning back in his chair.

If he is drinking with friends, he would be unlikely to welcome approaches from outside the group, unless sycophantic and ego-enhancing.


Again usually male, he prefers large glasses, or bottles, which he uses as symbolic weapons, firmly grasped, and gesticulating in a threatening, "in the face" kind of way.

Something of a know-it-all, he can come across as slightly hostile, even if only through verbal argument, or jokes targeted at others. He should be approached with great care, or not at all.

Toy Story!

Here is the just released trailer for toy story 3! cant wait!

Friday, May 29, 2009


Pixar can do no wrong!! im in love with this movie before i even see it, have a look(i dare you not to smile after watching this!)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bad Mother!

1-Langur monkeys
The worst animal kingdom mother is the Langur monkey. Having been viewed for a number of years as a non-aggressive species, more recent research has shown them to have highly complex and sometimes brutal social practices. Pitched battles, kidnapping and sexual harassment are commonplace. However, as far as mothers go, it is their willingness to abandon young who have been injured, and in some cases even kill them, which makes them the winners of our list. Abandonment, kidnapping, neglect, infanticide: These Langur monkeys are some bad mothers.
Font size2-The African Black Eagle
The African Black Eagle usually lays two eggs, although one is generally no more than an insurance policy. The idea of an insurance policy is quite common in the animal kingdom, but it is the manner in which the unwanted young is disposed of which is particularly shocking. The mother will feed only one chick, and as it grows stronger it will peck its weaker sibling to death. What is especially gruesome about this is that the mother will look on impassively as her youngster is dispatched.
3-Black bears
Here is another animal which is generally regarded as a good mother, but studies have demonstrated that this is not always the case. Black bears like to have litters of two or three cubs, as it takes a similar amount of effort to raise one cub as it does three. Because of this, it has been documented that if a black bear gives birth to just one cub, she will sometimes simply abandon it and will hope for a larger litter the following year. Unlike many animals that may abandon young which are sick or weak, the bear will abandon the youngster simply for being on its own(imagine if that was the case with humans!!).

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Random fact # 2

The number 4 is the only number with the same number of letters as the meaning of its name. Amazing, considering there must be trillions of numbers!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


He has 500,000 followers on twitter, his name is Sockington and he is a cat>>yes a cat as in meow!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Random fact # 1

A new segment is going to be added to this blog, it will be entitled "random fact". As the name suggests its basically going to be a post about a random fact>>DuH!
lets start with...
A cockroach can live for several weeks without its head. Some insects can live headlessly for a whole year!!
Intresting or disgusting? you choose ;p

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Coke is bad!

Everyone has heard it before, from experiments we did as children in school to parents telling us "stop drinking this junk", anyways i thought of shedding some light on the subject. Excessive cola consumption can lead to anything from mild weakness to profound muscle paralysis, doctors are warning! This is because the drink can cause blood potassium to drop dangerously low, Manufacturers insist the products are safe when consumed in moderation.
The problem is with aggressive mass marketing, super-sizing soft drinks, and the effects of caffeine dependance there is very little doubt that more and more people drink 2-3 liters of cola per day(ola chena wayed :S). So tell me what do you think? do you drink coke anyways? if so how often?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Computer eyes syndrome!

Reduce the risk of tiring your eyes when on the computer. Look away from the screen about every 20 minutes and stare at a distant object for several seconds to relax your eye's focusing muscles.

Friday, May 15, 2009


As i was leaving my house at around 3:45 yesterday i caught the sandstorm approaching! as you can see in the pic below, half the sky is dusty and the other half is clear! all i have to say is "mashallah"

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Dead Sea!

The Dead Sea is the largest natural spa on the planet. Local treatments are said to be effective against rheumatism, asthma, cystic fibrosis, psoriasis, dermatitis and diseases of the heart, eyes and lungs.The Dead Sea enjoys 330 days of sunshine a year. It is the only place in the world where you can sunbathe successfully without getting burnt. The air above the sea contains three extra layers which prevent the harmful ultraviolet rays reaching the surface. Thats it! they had me at natural spa ;) im packing my bags right now>>i wish!

Monday, May 11, 2009


Husbands are allowed to slap their wives if they spend lavishly, a Saudi judge said recently during a seminar on domestic violence, Saudi media reported Sunday.

It is OK to slap Saudi women who spend too much, a judge has told an audience.

It is OK to slap Saudi women who spend too much, a judge has told an audience.

Arab News, a Saudi English-language daily newspaper based in Riyadh, reported that Judge Hamad Al-Razine said that "if a person gives SR 1,200 [$320] to his wife and she spends 900 riyals [$240] to purchase an abaya [the black cover that women in Saudi Arabia must wear] from a brand shop and if her husband slaps her on the face as a reaction to her action, she deserves that punishment."

Women in the audience immediately and loudly protested Al-Razine's statement, and were shocked to learn the remarks came from a judge, the newspaper reported.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Eat almonds!

A fatty food full of health benefits? Not necessarily an oxymoron. Various health studies have shown that eating a handful of almonds every day -- a food high in magnesium, Vitamin E and B2 -- can lower cholesterol and help reduce the risk of heart disease.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Dream job!

A British man has been appointed the new caretaker of an Australian tropical island, a six-month position described as "the best job in the world".
Ben Southall, 34, a charity fundraiser from Petersfield, Hampshire, emerged from a field of over 34,000 applicants.
His new job requires Mr Southall to live and report from Hamilton Island, on Queensland's Great Barrier Reef. The job description requires Mr Southall "to explore the islands of the Great Barrier Reef, swim, snorkel, make friends with the locals and generally enjoy the tropical Queensland climate and lifestyle">>seriously!
Now thats a job i would not mind having! what kind of job would you want in a perfect world? share! 

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Do you want any sauce with that?

Forget ketchup and salsa! Eskimos consider raw seal oil the king of all condiments! the oil is produced by cutting up freshly slaughtered seal blubber(which is basically fat!) into chunks and leaving them outside in a bucket for 5 days, until the blubber melts and becomes oil! once ready just add tabasco sauce>>to each his own i guess!
Poor seal looks so innocent :(

Future tech: mirror dresses viewer in virtual clothes!

A virtual mirror allows someone standing in front of it to "try on" clothes and jewelry without having the items actually present.
The process begins as a camera within the virtual mirror system records video of the individual standing in front of the mirror. As the person moves, the image projected back follows the motion in real time. The system computer then displays clothes on the image of the reflected subject. Someday shoppers will be able to try on just about anything in a store without undressing!!>> i for one hate the dressing/undressing process associated with shopping. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Be smart!

Need some extra smarts? Then hit the gym. Scientists at Columbia University have shown that exercise can stimulate the dentate gyrus, an area of the brain that affects our ability to remember things!! (the video is dedicated to youcompleteme ;p)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Air conditioned bed!

The japanese have done it again, they developed a mattress with a built-in air conditioning system! A fan located at the foot of the mattress pulls in air from behind the sleeper's head drawing off body heat, and transporting it out of the bed, the mattress can be used in winter as well, as buyers get a heater with the mattress! seriously thats cool! someone should get there "wkalah"  in kuwait. The mattress goes on sale in May in Japan in May and costs $300.

Chewing gum!

My mom used to tell me when a was a little kid "dont swallow your chewing gum!" when i asked her why she said "it gets stuck in your stomach and you could die or get really sick!"...i know drama! so i decided to do some research and i found out that chewing gum is not digestible but it definitely doesn't sit in your stomach for years! Gum actually might help things move through the bowels faster. Sorbitol is sometimes used as a sweetener in gum and can act as a laxative! so what does this mean? well if you look carefully you should see it floating in your toilet, YUCK!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Thrill tower!

The Stratosphere Las Vegas, is a tower, hotel and casino located on the Las Vegas Strip in Las Vegas Nevada. The top of the tower has three thrill rides!

The Big Shot at 329m is the highest thrill ride in the world

Insanity The Ride at 274m is the second highest thrill ride in the world, it dangles riders over the edge of the tower and spins in a circular pattern at about 65 km/h

XSCREAM at 264m is the third highest thrill ride in the world

Scary stuff! the only way i would go on any of these rides was if a gun was held to my head!


Some interesting facts about nails, did you know that:
  • Nails grow about 0.1mm per day.
  • Fingernails tend to grow faster than toenails.
  • Toenails are approximately twice as thick as fingernails.
  • In general nails tend to grow faster in summer than in winter.
  • Mens nails usually grow faster than women's nails.
  • Nails on your dominant hand tend to grow faster.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Swine flu 101!

Swine flu
swine influenza, or swine flu, is a respiratory disease in pigs caused by a certain strain of type A influenza virus. Outbreaks of swine flu are not common among humans: Most people who get swine flu are infected through contact with pigs.

How it spreads
Although people typically get swine flu from contact with pigs, there have been cases of person-to-person transmission. Experts think coughing, sneezing and contaminated surfaces can spread the infection among people, but it is unknown how easily that happens.
The virus cannot be obtained by eating properly cooked pork or any pork product.

The symptoms are similar to those of the common flu: fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headaches, chills and fatigue.
Symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting have also been reported. infection from the virus can lead to severe illness, including pneumonia and respiratory failure, and can be fatal.

Antiviral drugs, such as oseltamivir or zanamivir, are recommended for the treatment or prevention of swine flu. Antiviral drugs are prescription medicines that keep flu viruses from reproducing in the body. Antiviral drugs work best if treatment is started within two days of the onset symptoms. 

hopefully this post added a little something to your knowledge ;)


Flossing every day will lower your chance of getting heart disease later in life!!  According to a New York University study, daily flossing reduces the amount of gum-disease-causing bacteria in your mouth -- bacteria that leaks into your bloodstream, causing inflammation and thickening of the arteries, two major signs of heart trouble ahead, also its just proper hygiene people ;) 

Group work!

This is a cute advertisement for a bus company in belgium. i just loved it and wanted to share with you guys.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Work less=live more!

To all the work addicts in the world!...a recent study from Finland found that working long hours can lead to a decline in cognitive skills in later life. Researchers suggested that over working could even increase the chances of developing dementia!!! so take it easy guy we don't want you losing your brain now do we?! ;)