Husbands are allowed to slap their wives if they spend lavishly, a Saudi judge said recently during a seminar on domestic violence, Saudi media reported Sunday.

It is OK to slap Saudi women who spend too much, a judge has told an audience.
Arab News, a Saudi English-language daily newspaper based in Riyadh, reported that Judge Hamad Al-Razine said that "if a person gives SR 1,200 [$320] to his wife and she spends 900 riyals [$240] to purchase an abaya [the black cover that women in Saudi Arabia must wear] from a brand shop and if her husband slaps her on the face as a reaction to her action, she deserves that punishment."
Women in the audience immediately and loudly protested Al-Razine's statement, and were shocked to learn the remarks came from a judge, the newspaper reported.
Embala comment! Aham shay! Mo chna Saudi is the most islamic country in the world? They should know inna hitting, ESPECIALLY FACIAL HITTING, is not acceptable! Wai3, what has the world come to. Wain el communication? :(
eLrasol 3laih el9lat WelSlam Gayel'
Ma yjoz '6arb ELA EL MAR2A ELNASHEZ.. Yaa3ni eLmarra Ele tsaawi Mshakel.. Aw tabe Tahdem Bait rayelha !
3ad '3air chi madry :P
that's too much! ..
( ildeen ilmo3amala ) ya "ekhwan"!!!!! :)
what kind of men will slap his wife just because she spends too much???
wallah mahzala if any man thinks like this!!!
WHAT !! Ambaaaih that is ta5alof like msha3erha said, if not even more !!
7asha ! ambaaaih ashwa ena a7na bl kuwait, shyaboooon ysaawoon chthy bl 7areem !
w b3dain if they don't trust her with spending her money on something, they he should go with her wela la ta5th'ha bl asaaaas !
Ambaih no 7adaa ta5alof !
lol.. i'm imagining this scene now:
M: ya mara balaj etshareen wajed!!
F: oo shfehaa?
F: AYYYYY... LAISH CTHEE YA BO -insert a name-!
M: al muftee 7alalinaa!!! *evil laugh*
LOOOOL!! mako she3'el wallah!!
xtc: exactly!
madryshakw: oo azedech mn elshe3er bet! el '6arb ykon 6aga 5afefah 3al ed moo 6ragat!
youcompleteme: you said it!
msha3erha: ee lel2asaf fee men like this oo fe women mesaken majboren yet7amelon
somekuwaitiya: lol cham mara geltay ambaih ;p bas ee 9j el 6ag mala da3y klsh! were not animals!
smart-y: L-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-L! tra 9j t9er chethy a7es :S
Ummmmm !!!
e7na nag9een mo9ayeb 3ashan hatha yafty 3alaina ebhal kharabee6 ???
eshda3wa 3ad elreyayeel na6reen hal mofty 3ashan emedoun eed-hum !!
ma agool ela malat 3ala elbamya om elsanaseeeeeeeeeeen :P
o sa3ad zaghloool eshgaal ??
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