1-Langur monkeys
The worst animal kingdom mother is the Langur monkey. Having been viewed for a number of years as a non-aggressive species, more recent research has shown them to have highly complex and sometimes brutal social practices. Pitched battles, kidnapping and sexual harassment are commonplace. However, as far as mothers go, it is their willingness to abandon young who have been injured, and in some cases even kill them, which makes them the winners of our list. Abandonment, kidnapping, neglect, infanticide: These Langur monkeys are some bad mothers.

The African Black Eagle usually lays two eggs, although one is generally no more than an insurance policy. The idea of an insurance policy is quite common in the animal kingdom, but it is the manner in which the unwanted young is disposed of which is particularly shocking. The mother will feed only one chick, and as it grows stronger it will peck its weaker sibling to death. What is especially gruesome about this is that the mother will look on impassively as her youngster is dispatched.

3-Black bears
Here is another animal which is generally regarded as a good mother, but studies have demonstrated that this is not always the case. Black bears like to have litters of two or three cubs, as it takes a similar amount of effort to raise one cub as it does three. Because of this, it has been documented that if a black bear gives birth to just one cub, she will sometimes simply abandon it and will hope for a larger litter the following year. Unlike many animals that may abandon young which are sick or weak, the bear will abandon the youngster simply for being on its own(imagine if that was the case with humans!!).
1 comment:
wow i dnt care much abt animals but thats insanely interesting, and madre laish i found the monkey thing a tad bit funny :s
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