Swine flu
swine influenza, or swine flu, is a respiratory disease in pigs caused by a certain strain of type A influenza virus. Outbreaks of swine flu are not common among humans: Most people who get swine flu are infected through contact with pigs.
How it spreads
Although people typically get swine flu from contact with pigs, there have been cases of person-to-person transmission. Experts think coughing, sneezing and contaminated surfaces can spread the infection among people, but it is unknown how easily that happens.
The virus cannot be obtained by eating properly cooked pork or any pork product.
The symptoms are similar to those of the common flu: fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headaches, chills and fatigue.
Symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting have also been reported. infection from the virus can lead to severe illness, including pneumonia and respiratory failure, and can be fatal.
Antiviral drugs, such as oseltamivir or zanamivir, are recommended for the treatment or prevention of swine flu. Antiviral drugs are prescription medicines that keep flu viruses from reproducing in the body. Antiviral drugs work best if treatment is started within two days of the onset symptoms.
hopefully this post added a little something to your knowledge ;)
thnx for the info, fe wayid mnhum awal mara adry 3nhum or agra 3nhum.
ahhh... emsawiin khaba too much!
e7nsa eflewanza al 6yor ma 7ashna.. al 7in swine flue elii a9lan 7aram nakla oo mako b al q8!! that's why i think the chances 2 get infected is wala shaii!
ema7amad la etkhawefne pls ..
walla ana tara mekhtar3a 7aaaaadi ..
Im having a bad time thinking enna my life mara7 etkammeL laima the day elii I have wated for SINCE FOR EVER ;'( .. abbaih la etseroon chethe metsha'meen .. gabeL few days garait eb blog enna eb 2011 il shams eb ted3am bil earth oo benmout! Commmme on guyyyyyyyyyys ;'( .. ana akhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafffffff! ;'*
inshalla ma 3alaina ella il3afya ..
oo ashwa thanks god enna e7na moslemeen oo ma nakeL wela 3endenah hal suwalif eb our countries ..
Goolaaaaw khair egoolha allah ..
the Media is just TOO MUCH ;@ khafaw mn allah betwagfoon galbi :'(
They changed the name. It's called influenza A or H1N1 now.
somekuwaitiya: ;) your welcome
smart-y: i agree its over exposed! bas some general info wont hurt ;)
youcompleteme: la t5afeen! mako ela el3afyah...i just wanted to make sure that people knew it's treatable...oo mn9jch u believe hal ashya2! ygolech if someone knew when he was gonna die he would die immediately! oo since your alive(3o2bal el 3omer kelah) your ok ;)
xtc: ee i heard! why did they do that!?
ygolech if someone knew when he was gonna die he would die immediately!
<-- from a heart attack?? :P LOOOOOL .. Im sure enny awaL wa7da walla :P ..
you should post about that ;$ ..
and there's something dedicated to you in my blog ;) .. Don't smile mu the Simpsons :P LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL ;p
I think they changed the name cause they dont want people freaking out about pigs. It's safe to eat pork and all that. I'm not sure what the exact reason is other than WHO (World Health Organization) changed it and wants everyone to go by the new name.
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