Forget ketchup and salsa! Eskimos consider raw seal oil the king of all condiments! the oil is produced by cutting up freshly slaughtered seal blubber(which is basically fat!) into chunks and leaving them outside in a bucket for 5 days, until the blubber melts and becomes oil! once ready just add tabasco sauce>>to each his own i guess!

Poor seal looks so innocent :(
Now katchup esawoon from hal poor thing????
mafahmt ana ..
hatha ilpoor thing ay sauce esawoonha menna?
7aram! :'(
2nd (6)
Okay chena wai3 :P?
Baas 7raaaaaaaaam :P!
7aram!!!! We have to stop this madness!!!!!!!!
ahhhhh this is extremely eughhh haha
ok a7is im having a blonde moment, but did u mean ino they mix it with tobasco to add flavour to the tobasco ili then yin7a6 3al food, wila ya5li6oona oo they drink it?
youcompleteme: LoL they take el "fat" malhom wereshona 3al akel! i know we3!
madryshakw: LoL @ chena we3!!! ela aked we3! poor foqma
xtc: yala lets go where the eskimo live oo give them a lesson they wont forget!
mar8adoosh: couldn't have said it better ;p
shwaish: LoL el tobasco mala 3elaqa bel maw'6oo3, ohma they use it 3ala6ol on the food!
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