Sunday, May 3, 2009


Some interesting facts about nails, did you know that:
  • Nails grow about 0.1mm per day.
  • Fingernails tend to grow faster than toenails.
  • Toenails are approximately twice as thick as fingernails.
  • In general nails tend to grow faster in summer than in winter.
  • Mens nails usually grow faster than women's nails.
  • Nails on your dominant hand tend to grow faster.


Anonymous said...

im a silent reader of ur blog i like ur blog its interesting

keep up the good job
intreresting post about nails


Smart-y said...

akher thalath ma3lomat awal marra adrii 3anhom!! mesakeen eksaraw kha6ii al banat ;p

Anonymous said...

وفي معلومه لوعت جبدي .. يقولون الاضافر هي بالاساس عظم .. ويييييييييع

بس خوش معلومات والله .. تانكس

Some Kuwaitiya said...

why ur nails grow faster than ours, and we're the one that consider them part of our beauty ! Uggh :p 7agadt 3alaikum

m7ammad said...

anonymous: thanks :D

smart-y: ee mesakeeen ;P

yousifmind: 9j? :S i dont think its true! if it is then wee3!!

somekwuaitiya: hehahoha! hard luck :p