Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Be smart!

Need some extra smarts? Then hit the gym. Scientists at Columbia University have shown that exercise can stimulate the dentate gyrus, an area of the brain that affects our ability to remember things!! (the video is dedicated to youcompleteme ;p)


Anonymous said...

هممم مادري بس احس مالها اي علاقه ... وايد ناس اذكياء اعرفهم ومالهم اي علاقه بالرياضه .. والعكس طبعا وااااااايد

youcompleteme said...

the sound of the food bil bedaya ..
GAYYNNNNN? what's a Gaaaaaaynnnnnnn ..
Why the huge guy yetkalam phelepino??

I hate you .. I hate you .. I hateeeeeeeeeeeee you ..

hahah bas he's funny laima gaL ; it's gonna hurt in the morning :P hehehe Soo true ..

and yeah NO! ;) .. fe wayid nas smart oo kisala :P take me as a example :P

Anonymous said...

hmmm, could be true!
I am smart, but I do not exercise

Smart-y said...

LOL.. la7ad yekalemnii ana sebawee zamanii :P

m7ammad said...

yousifmind: hmm mo kefek et7es! hathy derasa ;p bas ohma ma galaw shar6, galaw ysa3ed ;)

youcompleteme: LoL!! felepino? ana thakarny eb arnold schwarzenegger! oo i know u love me o the simpsons ba3ad secretly>> '3a9eb!

msha3erha: LoL that means if you do exercise bet9eeren albert einstein!

smart-y: LoooOoooL!